Saturday, July 20, 2013

on the things we love.

i've never been one to shy away from love.

in fact, some would say i love too easily. with reckless abandon. (YOLO and all)

you know what? maybe i do. when I was living in europe, i used to fall in love with every new city we visited. as we walked across bridges and through winding alleys and by boutique coffee shops, i would always exclaim, "this is where i am going to honeymoon."

until i got off the next train.

i fell in love a hundred times that year. with experiences, places, people and things. there have been periods in my life where i've been closed off to such deep and meaningful feelings for one reason or another. because of hurt, loss, anger, resentment, whatever. but since i moved to san francisco, i've become the sponge i once was and my unfailing optimism has really returned once again.

being able to love is so important. even when we think we can do without, or that pushing away from the things we love will make us hurt less in the end, we only end up looking back and realizing the experiences we missed out on. even when we love and lose, we are much better off than if we'd never loved in the beginning.

because the bottom line is that love makes us feel like we're worth something. it makes us remember who we are and what we mean to the world. occasionally, there are people who come into our lives that make us feel like we are not good enough, not important or imperfect. but when people like that happen, when those people say their peace and we push them out of our lives, we lean on those we love to tell us that we'll make the right decision. we'll work it out. that we have a million right choices ahead, if we'll only seek the answers to our questions.

i've been really lucky to have loved so many people. it's a huge risk to love, but i've never known it to not be worth it.


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