"You're both."
Have you seen Necessary Roughness? If not, you should. The above quote is from the main characters of NR, and it's one of my many favorite USA shows. I can't even handle how many good shows that network produces.
Fairly Legal. Royal Pains. Suits. The list never ends.
But this post is not about USA. It's about starting the new year off right. This is the year of being loud and clear.
I mean, I'm already pretty loud. That's never really been the problem.
But being clear? Not always a girl's strong suit.
But this year will be different.
That said, I've outlined some of the things I intend to accomplish in 2013. Some of them are serious and some of them serve only the purpose of nourishing my soul and making me laugh.
1. Run the Lulu Lemon Half Marathon in 2:30 or less. Last year, my time was 2:44, so I feel like cutting off a good 15 minutes is totes doable. I love running the Sea Wheeze for so many reasons, but first and foremost because I get to spend an uninterrupted weekend with my bestie and favorite Canadian. Love you Andrew!
2. Finish the Nike Women's Half Marathon. See, the thing is, the Nike Women's Half and The Sea Wheeze are like six weeks apart, so I'm not trying to set a PR for that. Girl just wants another Tiffany's necklace.
3. Watch all the seasons of Parks and Recreation. Yeah, that's real.
4. Be better at my calling. This includes having the occasional (weekly?) rogue dinner group to get to know more people in the ward. I am so, so grateful that I got called as the dinner group co-chair.
Heaven knows I love a good dinner party!
5. Go to Hawaii.
Not so much a resolution as a goal. On that note, I'm giving up carbs. Offer me bread and I'll never forgive you.
6. Go through the temple. Make a habit of going again, and again.
7. Read Daring Greatly and vow to live fearlessly and be unapologetic for saying what's on my mind.
8. Watch all of The Lord of the Rings movies. I always feel left out when people talk about them. That ends this year.
9. Get promoted.
10. Lastly, but probably most importantly, call my parents more.
Here's to 2013. I believe my bestie Emily said it better than anyone when she text me, "it's like a now or never biotch kind of year."
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