Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Life Moves Pretty Fast...

...if you don't stop to look around once in a while, you might miss it. --Ferris Bueller's Day Off

I mean, how true is that? Lately, life has been moving really, really fast. Thanksgiving is within arms reach, but I still feel like July was just a few weeks ago.

Because so much has been happening, I am going to make like a reporter and do a round-up of all the festivities that have so wonderfully filled my weekends over the past few weeks.

Kirsten's Black + White Bon Voyage Mocktail Party: So, this rockin' Saturday night was a bittersweet end to one of the best summers I've ever had. It's rare that you meet someone who is so completely different from you, but gets you in a way that you can hardly put into words. For me, Kirsten is one of those people. I love her because we have some of the most candid conversations of my life that are occasionally filled with such raw emotion that I wonder if one of us is going to spontaneously combust (clearly we never have). She is somehow able to so eloquently put thoughts and feelings into words, and I always walk away from spending time with her feeling lighter and a little more in-tune with my psyche.

Unfortunately, she moved back to the Pacific Northwest the weekend of Halloween to make a new life for herself in Portland. I know it's going to be great because she is incredible, and Portland is RIGHT up her alley.

Plus, she's only a Gchat away.

But before she left, we threw here a faux cocktail party to send her off in style.

The Adventure Time Crew

Halloween: Wow, All Hallows Eve is a BIG deal these days, no? Last year I must have been an absolute hermit because I attended three times the parties in 2012 that I did in 2011; this was awesome for several reasons, but first and foremost because I LOVE a party and any chance to shop for a new accessory. Second and...second most, because I got to spend three nights with some of my absolute favorite people! My costumes were as follows:

-- A member of the US Olympic Gymnastics Team
-- Zelda Fitzgerald ( my fave! )
-- A Yoga Teacher/Marina Girl (you choose, they wear the same thing)

The Gymnasts 

High Tea at Love Joy's in Noe Valley: One of my dear friends and visiting teaching companion is getting married this weekend in Orange County (expect a post on that) and so a few of our besties took her to high tea to celebrate her impending nuptials. Topics of conversation included: how crazy wedding planning is, our love lives, people we know, and wedding night lingerie. 

Check, check and check. 

Love Joy's Tea Room, where said festivities took place, is also just blocks away from the wonderful Noe Valley house I loved and miss ever so much. Also to note is that this blog is named after the street I lived on there. 


Guy Fawkes Day Celebration: As we all know, I am a TOTAL anglophile (and by default, the self-appointed understudy to the Dutchess of Cambridge), so I love to honor a good British holiday. Apparently, so do the girls in my ward, because last Friday night, we celebrated the 5th of November with a huge bonfire at Ocean Beach. Festivities included mass consumption of British digestifs, setting off sparklers and burning a Fawkes replica (that is what that was, right?).

We heart England

All in all, an incredible couple of weeks. 


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