Friday, September 14, 2012

Ode to A Red Velvet Masterpiece

So, if you've ever met me, it's likely I've told you one (or both) of two things.

I studied abroad in southern France.

...and I am obsessed with cupcakes.

I mean, everyone kind of is. I'm not totally sure when the cupcake craze began, but I'm fairly certain that when Oprah declared Sprinkles was one of her favorite things, these crazy muffins masquerading as a sweet dessert topped the list of trendy must-haves.

Here's the thing about a cupcake. It's always the perfect treat, no matter what.

A ginger lemon cupcake can top off the perfect week as a celebration of the successful completion of five eight to ten hour days.

A german chocolate cupcake can come into your life in the form of a Wednesday afternoon if-I-don't-have-something-that-makes-my-life-worth-living-this-second-I-might-cry pick me up that ensures you the weekend will in fact come--that kind of cupcake is best served with a Diet Coke.

A black and white cupcake can bring together old friends who have had many a conversation about boyfriends, girlfriends, school, work, life, philosophy and the perfect pair of jeans while sitting on a sun-soaked chair in late summer, enjoying the warmth and the trees.

A strawberry cupcake mend a broken heart--no matter who did the breaking and how much time has passed.

A lemon cupcake can and should be enjoyed whilst enjoying major life milestones, such a promotions, engagements, weddings, babies and first dates.

...I think you get the idea. Last, but absolutely farthest from least, is the red velvet cupcake, which can be indulged in at any time, for any reason.

They're like 600 calories of proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy.


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