Thursday, August 16, 2012

The SeaWheeze, Part Two: So Are You Guys Uh, Done Doin' It?

Contrary to popular belief, my trip to Canada was not all sprinting jogging across sea walls and bridges.

There was a whole lot of fun stuff in between.

I arrived in the pacific northwest on the evening of August 9th. After retrieving me from the airport, Andrew and I spent the evening parading around one of my all time favorite cities--the birthplace of Starbucks, the hometown of Grey's Anatomy and one of the greenest places I've ever been, Seattle.

Space Needle!

We, of course, promptly ate at this amazing Mexican restaurant downtown and were assigned what we originally deemed to be a mediocre waiter. Little did we know, we had a comedian on our hands. After going for such gold on the amazing chips and salsa, as well as thoroughly enjoying our enchiladas and carne asada, the aforementioned waiter arrived and promptly inquired, "so, are you guys uh, done doin' it?"

Andrew's amazing Carne Asada 

You can't just say that to someone.  Clearly he was wondering if we had finished our dining experience, but the way we saw it, we were at a total crossroads. Do we just laugh? Do we make a "that's what she said!" joke? Do we pretend we didn't hear him (most unlikely option). Instead, we deemed it the theme of the weekend. Typical. I'm still laughing a little bit.

Pike Place Market

Friday, August 10th dawned sunny and HOT. I guess I've just been spoiled by living in a climate that rarely gets above 70 degrees, but the whole time I was in Vancouver I was like ANDREW IT'S SO HOT HERE. I'm sure he thought I was seriously delusional. Anyway, we headed into the city from the suburbs to pick up our race packets, timing chips and play for the day. 

First and foremost, I need to note that Lulu Lemon really knows how to throw a party. The Vancouver Convention Center was an absolute buzz with Lulu Lemoners--the energy was palpable. As noted below, 7,500 yogis turned runners (or vice versa) were packed into one of the most gorgeous convention centers in the world, checking in, chatting and feeling absolutely fantastic. 

The line to pick up our race packets and timing chips

 Much needed after-race flip flops

We were obsessed with these amazing popsicles they gave us while were were waiting in line. They had lime (Andrew's fave) and watermelon (my fave). 

After we picked up all our gear and did some shopping at the special SeaWheeze boutique, we spent the rest of the day walking and shopping around Vancouver, seeing the city and enjoying being on vacation. I was so lucky to be there with a Canadian because I could just kind of trot along with my own personal tour guide telling me random useful and informative facts about B.C. 

I may or may not have insisted we go to afternoon tea. Andrew was such a good sport. He totally enjoyed it!

We capped an absolutely amazing day off with a little jaunt to Granville Island. I'm going to put my cards on the table here and note that I don't really get what it is. It's not a actual island and it's like, not really part of Vancouver? Whatever. 

The view from Granville Island. Totally ran across this bridge less than 12 hours later. 

Could not have asked for a more perfect day. Stay tuned for part three--our side trip to Whistler and adventures in gondolas. 


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