Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cait's Corner: 2.0

This, ladies and gentleman, is my new (and improved) blog.

Cait's Corner: 2.0, if you will.

As you may recall, I began a travel blog in late 2009 as I was headed off to study croissants and macaroons French and bask in the warm sun of the French Riviera and documented my travels and life as an ex-patriot in Aix-En-Provence.

Well, I have been home from studying abroad for nearly two years (GASP!) and my whole world has changed.

I am now a budding young professional, living life in the fast (ish) lane and learning the ropes in the corporate world of technology + lifestyle public relations. I work a million hours a week and frequently eat lunch at my desk--though I do try and make it out to the Embarcadero some days.

So, new life, new blog. This documentation project is about finding my place in the world. I am about a year into my new "adult" life, and am ready to find a balance between career, social, personal and physical.

I accepted that college is really over (sad face), but that being a bonafide, college graduate has its perks (paid vacation!) and will be just as wonderful and fulfilling as my time spent at BYU-I and Chico State.

I've been looking forward to being a grown up my whole life. When I was little, all I wanted was to make purchases (I certainly never outgrew that) and live life on my own terms, by my own rules. To be honest, I never really outgrew that second one either, but I learned to make some modifications based on the general rules of a civilized society and a love and belief in a certain organized religion.

So, what's on the agenda for this summer, you ask? Well, on the forefront of my mind is this 1/2 marathon I got myself into. I thought it would be reeeaalllyyy smart in January to sign up for Lulu Lemon's Sea Wheeze 1/2 Marathon in Vancouver, taking place in August. Like many of my ideas, great in theory, not so fab in execution. Luckily, I am jogging and walking running it with one of my favorite people who knows a whole lot about British Columbia.

More to come, as it happens.
